Member Resources

We are the men and women who do the hard, dirty and sometimes dangerous work of building the state, city and local infrastructure throughout the United States and Canada. LIUNA members are represented on the job by Local Unions.
The members of LIUNA are on the forefront of the construction industry a sector that is a powerhouse of 12 million workers producing 5 percent of the USA economic output. It is one of the most diverse and effective unions representing public service employees.
A half-million strong, we are united through collective bargaining agreements which help working families earn family-supporting wages, good benefits and the opportunity for advancement through hands-on, quality training
Take Action
It’s important to understand how local and national issues impact workers lives. Concerns such as worker safety on the job, a decent hourly-wage, affordable health benefits and the freedom for workers to bargain collectively. The members of LIUNA have strength in numbers.

Voter Registration
Now more than ever your vote can make a difference for all working families! An estimated 51 million eligible Americans remain unregistered to vote. But it’s not too late to register and there are multiple ways to go about it.
Use the Illinois State Board of Elections website to locate your legislators. Stay informed on the issues of which your elected official represents at Project VoteSmart.
County Election Information
Through an establishment of elected and appointed officials; your county provides a variety of services for the public safety and convenience of its citizens. Counties typically provide services to the community which can include: law enforcement, emergency services, the criminal and civil court systems, public health, real estate tax assessment and collection, election administration, land records, local highway systems, vital records maintenance and licensure and regulatory authority.